Payment Gateway

Automated processing system for handling electronic payments, transactions and any other operations with the service providers. It can work both independently and together with the banking system. It supports large amount of external integrations with various information protocols.


The main objective of the Payment Gateway is the execution of financial operations as per system users' request on behalf of service providers, carrying out of bank acquisition, and implementation of verification and mutual settlements between the system and service providers.

The system allows external payment systems' account replenishments, payments to mobile operators, internet providers, and various utility providers for services, repayment of bank loans, traffic fines, tech inspections, tickets to theater, cinema, as well as air and railway tickets.

As well as operating independently, solutions can be congifured to be operating in conjunction with the banking or any other information systems. Integration with external systems is performed according to ISO8583, XML, JSON protocols.

The solution may be used for:

  • processing of users' electronic requests;
  • acquiring of local maps and closed projects;
  • provision of integration services to the service providers.

The solution supports any operating systems, where Java runtime environment is implemented and it allows the deployment in a clustered environment for resolving scalability and fault tolerance issues.


Execution of transactions may be performed with the help of various terminal equipments - POS terminal, mobile devices, websites and mobile channels SMS/USSD.

In addition to integration with the main information system, the solution supports unlimited number of additional banks or any other service companies, to the accounts of which the payments will be processed.

Modular architecture of the solution allows virtually unlimited expansion of the fucntionality without full system shut-down. This allows the system to operate 24/7, 365 days a year.